
QuillAudits Docs

QuillAudits Whitelabel Partnership Program

Welcome to the QuillAudits White Label Program!

As a fellow blockchain enthusiast, you might be excited to see how DeFi, NFT, and Blockchain Apps are impacting the world so rapidly and bringing new possibilities. Not only are we mutually participating in disrupting the traditional business processes, but also creating growth and business opportunities.

In recent times, DeFi & NFT projects have been subjected to an unprecedented scale of exploits.


🚀 Audits have become very crucial to securing smart contracts 
considering in the last six months alone, more than 100 DeFi
 and smart contract exploits have occurred, and a total of 
$700 million have been lost.


For projects that are about to deploy their smart contracts or list their token on an exchange, a smart contract audit has become a must. It helps prevent possible exploits that would lead to the loss of their funds and reputation.



Introduction - QuillAudits White Label Program!

A white-label partnership with our company QuillAudits is an agreement between your company and QuillAudits, in which QuillAudits— the service provider — provides blockchain security services on behalf of your company. Your company purchases the white label services from QuillAudits, rebrands it with its company name and logo, and then sells it to its clients.


Benefits of Joining Our White Label Program:

A white-label partnership with us, “QuillAudits”, as a service provider, has many potential benefits for your agency.

1. Enhanced Potential for Growth:

We at QuillAudits already possess the knowledge, resources, and staff needed to provide a blockchain security service with little effort or expenditure on your behalf. This will allow you to expand your agency’s existing service offerings, appeal to a wider range of customers, and, subsequently, scale your agency more efficiently than if you provided these same services in-house.

2. Reduce/Avoid Unnecessary Overhead Costs:

Generally, if you were to expand your service offerings in the blockchain security space, you’d be forced to hire new staff or train existing staff members, rent or buy additional office space, and take on further costs associated with offering in-house services. But with the help of our white-label partner, your agency will avoid taking on every single one of these overhead costs.

3. Access to our Security Experts:

Working alongside us allows you to leverage the expertise of our experienced professionals and industry specialists in Blockchain security, saving your team the hassle and time of becoming proficient in these skills yourself and catering for your clients with high-quality security services.

4. Reduce Risk:

Since your company will avoid the overhead costs and investment required to expand your service offerings, your company won’t inherit the level of risk it typically would to expand your service offerings.

5. Appealing to a Broader and Larger Audience:

Partnering with us allows your agency to tap into new markets and reach more customers. This will increase your sales, widen your agency’s market reach, and boost revenue growth.


Who can benefit from our White Label Partnership Program?

Our White label partnership program will be very beneficial to a lot of agencies/companies in this space who are providing their services to other web3 companies in different verticals and wants to enter the growing market of web3 security as well.

Here are some examples of the Type of companies/agencies that will be the right fit for our White Label Partnership Program:

  1. Web3 Development Companies:

Web3 Development companies are mostly into Smart contracts development, dApps Development, DEX platform development or Full blockchain development. These development companies mostly don’t provide auditing services since auditing should be done by an independent auditing company, i.e., the company who have not developed the particular blockchain product for which an audit is required. But these companies mostly receive audit requests as well, and so for the projects which they have not developed, they can provide auditing services. Now to provide these auditing services they can partner with us as a white-label audit partner through which auditing services can be provided by us under their name. It will be mutually beneficial to both parties.


2. Web2 Security/Cybersecurity Companies:

With the increasing number of IT security issues in different verticals, Web2 security companies are in great demand to cope up with these increasing challenges. Things are not different in web3 as well; with more than 400+ hacks in the last couple of years, there is a growing demand for high-quality web3 security service providers. Now, these web2 security companies are experiencing the same and are getting requests to provide their security services in the blockchain space also. However, these security companies’ teams have less or no experience in the Web3 space. So, there is an opportunity for these companies to tie up with other high-quality security service providers like QuillAudits to partner with them as their whitelisted audit partner and serve their clients with our efficient and quality security auditing services.


3. Web3 Auditing Companies in their starting Phase:

Web3 small auditing companies who have recently started their auditing business can also benefit from our white-label partnership program. We are one of the top auditing companies with reasonable pricing and high-quality auditing services. If your team have recently started their business and there are lots of new inquiries for the auditing services which your team is not able to cater to due to your team’s bandwidth or non-availability for the new projects, it's the right time to search for a reliable auditing partner. Our white-label partnership program can be really helpful for your team in building a solid audit portfolio.


4. Web3 Consultancy and Advisory Agencies:

Web3 consultancy and advisory agencies who have started their blockchain consultancy business can also benefit from our white-label partnership program. As we are one of the top auditing companies with reasonable pricing and high-quality auditing services, partnering with us helps you in catering for your customers with their security needs. Your team as a blockchain advisory business might be receiving inquiries for blockchain security auditing services which your team might not be able to cater to due to less or no expertise in the web3 security space, and it's the right time to search for a reliable auditing partner. Our white-label partnership program can be really helpful for your team in starting a security auditing business and building a solid audit portfolio.


How To Become a QuillAudits White Label Partner?

Together, we can benefit many DeFi, NFT, and DAO projects by securing them with QuillAudits. Do you receive a lot of auditing inquiries from companies who are in need of Smart Contract Auditing services or dApps Pen Testing?

Partner with us as a White Label partner and start your Blockchain security business without worrying about the delivery of high-quality auditing services at reasonable pricing to your clients, as this will be covered by the highly experienced and professional team of QuillAudits.


Our White Label Partnership Process


Registering with us As a White Label Partner


To start working as a partner, we have to start by signing the
white-label partner agreement. Once this is fully executed, we can 
move to the further process. For this, we will need your details like

Project Introduction/Details

Get the details of your client's project. We basically need the 
smart contracts code link or repo access to review the code. In the 
case of Pen Testing, we need dApps or website links.


Based on a review of the code by our tech team, we will provide 
your team with estimated pricing. Now your team can provide an
 updated budget to your client after adding an appropriate margin to it. 

Invoicing from our side

An invoice from our side will be raised to your team, and once 
the payment is processed as per our agreed terms, our audit 
process will get started. We generally work on full advance terms,
but for our partners, we can work on 70% advance and 30% upon 
delivery of the final audit report draft version. 

Service provided by QuillAudits Team

Our auditing team will start the audit process, and upon a thorough 
review of the code, an initial audit report will be shared with your 
team, which you can forward to your client. Once the client's team 
work on those issues, fix those issues and provide us with the updated 
code, then another review will be done by our team to provide the 
final audit report.  

Delivery of the Final Audit Report

After the final review, once our team is satisfied that all the high 
and mid-level vulnerable issues mentioned earlier in the initial audit 
report are fixed, than our team will share the final audit report with 
your team. Your team can redesign it with their own Brands logo and provide it to your client.

We will provide you with a clear status of the audit process and your team will be in the loop in the entire audit process.


Need for Smart Contracts Security

More than $100B is presently operating in the DeFi economy. Its Socioeconomic impact is even more unprecedented.


Did you know that in 2021, hackers were able to steal more than $9.9 Billion from DeFi exploits? 
$617 million are stolen this year alone!   The majority of these funds, about $200 million, were 
stolen due to exploits that took advantage of vulnerabilities in the DeFi protocol's code.

As the exploits are increasing at an alarming rate, the need for smart contract security audits is also gaining popularity:

  • Most reputed crypto exchanges, such as Binance, require a Smart Contract Audit as due diligence before token listing.

  • Investors require a third-party Smart Contract Audit before funding a DeFi project.

  • Audited tokens have a better rating and are trusted by users.

We at QuillAudits are determined to create an impact. With your help, we can grow and move forward at a greater pace in our endeavours!

About QuillAudits



QuillAudits is a complete smart-contracts security platform designed by QuillHash Technologies. With a team of dedicated blockchain security experts and developers, we ensure that DeFi / NFT / DAO projects can avail the latest and best security solutions to operate in a trustworthy and risk-free ecosystem.




Our Audit Process

Our Audit Process is robust and updated keeping all the latest vulnerabilities in check. We use both line-by-line Manual Review and Automated Testing to detect issues with the code.

audit process


Impact of QuillAudits

Our Smart Contract Audits have been a pivotal step for many DeFi & NFT 
projects in making progress, such as successful token launches and deployments.

Over the years, QuillAudits has earned its reputation as one of the leading Smart Contracts Audit Platforms in the Industry. We are a verified security auditor on Etherscan and and are amongst the few whitelisted auditors on Unicrypt.


We have enabled more than 850 projects to achieve:

  • Secure smart contracts with detailed Audit Reports on how to fix critical issues.

  • Performance improvements and gas fee reduction for the project.

  • Consultation on how to develop a secure and efficient platform.

  • Formal verification to ensure the smart contract’s performance.

QuillAudits Clients

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