
QuillAudits Docs

Walk-through: A Journey With Us to Secure Your Hyperledger Fabric Project

QuillAudits is a leading web3 cybersecurity firm committed to securing Blockchain projects with our cutting-edge Web3 security solutions.


QuillAudits Hyperledger Fabric Security Audit Service

Hyperledger Fabric is a blockchain framework that offers a secure, reliable, and scalable platform for building enterprise-grade blockchain-based solutions. However, like any other technology, it is not immune to security threats and vulnerabilities. A security audit of your Hyperledger Fabric network is essential to identify potential risks and vulnerabilities and ensure your network is secure and protected from attacks.

Why Hyperledger Fabric Audit?

In recent years, there have been several high-profile hacks of blockchain networks, including Hyperledger Fabric. These incidents have highlighted the importance of security audits and the need for robust security controls to protect blockchain networks. For example:-

  • In 2020, a hacker group attacked a European bank's Hyperledger Fabric-based trade finance platform, resulting in the theft of sensitive information and financial loss.

Importance of Hyperledger Fabric Security Audit

The importance of a security audit for your Hyperledger Fabric network cannot be overstated. A security audit helps identify potential risks and vulnerabilities, providing valuable insights and recommendations to strengthen your network's security posture. The benefits of a security audit include:

  • Risk Mitigation: A security audit helps you identify potential risks and vulnerabilities before attackers can exploit them, allowing you to take proactive steps to mitigate them.
  • Compliance: A security audit helps you ensure that your network complies with regulatory requirements and industry standards for security and privacy.
  • Reputation: A security audit helps you protect your reputation by demonstrating to customers, partners, and stakeholders that you take security seriously and are committed to protecting their data and assets.
  • Cost Savings: A security audit can help you save costs by identifying potential vulnerabilities and recommending cost-effective solutions to address them

Hyperledger Fabric Attack Scenarios / Checked Vulnerabilities List

As part of our Hyperledger Fabric Security Audit service, we check for various attack scenarios and vulnerabilities that could compromise the security of your network. Here are some of the most common attack scenarios and vulnerabilities that we check for:-

  • Smart contracts are the backbone of any Hyperledger Fabric network, and attackers can exploit vulnerabilities in smart contract code to steal or manipulate data or assets. We check for smart contract vulnerabilities such as integer overflow, buffer overflow, reentrancy attacks, Business Logic, and Many More.
  • Nodes in a Hyperledger Fabric network are responsible for executing transactions and maintaining the integrity of the network. Node tampering can compromise the security and integrity of the network, allowing attackers to steal or manipulate data or assets. We check for node tampering vulnerabilities such as unauthorized node access, weak node authentication, and malicious node code.
  • Consensus algorithms are used in Hyperledger Fabric networks to ensure that all nodes in the network agree on the ledger's state. Consensus algorithms' vulnerabilities can compromise the network's security and integrity, allowing attackers to manipulate or disrupt the network. We check for consensus algorithm vulnerabilities such as denial-of-service attacks, Sybil attacks, and double-spending attacks.
  • Digital signatures are used in Hyperledger Fabric networks to ensure the authenticity and integrity of transactions. Vulnerabilities in digital signature algorithms can compromise the security and integrity of the network, allowing attackers to manipulate or forge transactions. We check for digital signature algorithm vulnerabilities such as weak key generation, insecure key storage, and tampering with digital signatures.
  • Hyperledger Fabric networks are often integrated with external enterprise systems such as databases and APIs. Vulnerabilities in enterprise integrations can compromise the security and integrity of the network, allowing attackers to steal or manipulate data or assets. We check for enterprise integration vulnerabilities such as SQL injection attacks, cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, and insecure API endpoints.
  • Identity management is critical in Hyperledger Fabric networks to ensure that only authorized users can access and perform transactions. Identity management vulnerabilities can compromise the network's security and integrity, allowing attackers to steal or manipulate data or assets. We check identity management vulnerabilities such as weak password policies, insecure identity storage, and unauthorized user access.
  • Hyperledger Fabric networks are complex systems with multiple components that must be appropriately configured to ensure the security and integrity of the network. Vulnerabilities in network configuration can compromise the security and integrity of the network, allowing attackers to manipulate or disrupt the network. We check for network configuration vulnerabilities such as insecure communication protocols, weak encryption, and insecure network ports.

Tools That We Use for Hyperledger Fabric Audit

We use various tools to identify vulnerabilities and attack scenarios that could compromise the security of your network. Here are some of the tools we use:-

  • Hyperledger Caliper: Hyperledger Caliper is a benchmarking tool that we use to test the performance and scalability of your network. It helps us identify any performance bottlenecks or vulnerabilities that could impact the security of your network.

  • Hyperledger Explorer: Hyperledger Explorer is a blockchain explorer tool that we use to visualize and analyze the data stored in your network. It helps us identify any anomalies or inconsistencies in the data, which could indicate security vulnerabilities or attack scenarios.

  • Hyperledger Fabric SDKs: Hyperledger Fabric SDKs are software development kits that we use to develop and test smart contracts and applications for your network. By using SDKs, we can ensure that your smart contracts and applications are correctly coded and tested for security vulnerabilities.

  • Security Scanning Tools: We use security scanning tools such as OWASP ZAP, Nmap, and Nessus to identify security vulnerabilities and attack scenarios in your network. These tools help us identify vulnerabilities like SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and weak authentication protocols.

  • Penetration Testing Tools: We use tools like Metasploit and Burp Suite to simulate real-world attack scenarios and identify any vulnerabilities in your network. These tools help us identify node tampering, denial-of-service attacks, and consensus algorithm vulnerabilities.

QuillAudits Hyperledger Fabric Audit Process

QuilAudits Hyperledger Fabric Security Audit service follows a comprehensive and rigorous process to evaluate the security posture of your network. Our process includes:-

Step 1: Initial Consultation

We start by consulting with you to understand your network requirements, business processes, and security needs. We also identify the scope and the objectives of the audit.

We will gather the specifications from you to know the intended behaviour of the smart contract through the 'Hyperledger Project Specification' document.

How you can help - Please ask your developers to fill out the 
specification doc - It would allow us to understand & verify 
the business logic and facilitate confirming everything thoroughly.

Step 2: Planning

We create a detailed audit plan based on the initial consultation, including the objectives, scope, and timeline. We also identify the tools and methodologies we will use to conduct the audit.

Step 3: Threat Modeling

Our team of experts performs a threat modeling exercise to identify potential attack scenarios and evaluate the effectiveness of your network's security controls. This exercise helps us identify potential vulnerabilities and recommend cost-effective solutions.

Step 4: Vulnerability Assessment

We perform a detailed vulnerability assessment of your network, including penetration testing, code reviews, and configuration analysis. This assessment helps us identify potential vulnerabilities and recommend cost-effective solutions.

Step 5: Penetration Testing

We conduct penetration testing to simulate real-world attacks and identify vulnerabilities that may not have been detected during the vulnerability assessment phase. We use various penetration testing techniques, such as network scanning, social engineering, and application layer attacks.

Step 6: Reporting

We provide a detailed report that summarizes the findings of the audit, which we call an Initial Audit Report (IAR). The report includes a description of the vulnerabilities and attack scenarios we identified, and recommendations for remediation. Our recommendations include technical controls, policies, and procedures to improve your network's security and reduce the risk of a security breach.


🦋 How can you help? 
You have to prepare an 'Updation Summary' or 'Comment Report' with 
details of the changes you've made after getting the IAR; this would help us identify the differences and test them rigorously.

Step 7: Second Review

After the initial audit fixes are Complete by your Team, we conduct a second review to ensure that all identified vulnerabilities have been remediated. This second review is crucial to ensure your network is secure and attack-resilient. Once the Second Review is done From Our Side, we will Create The Final Audit Report.

🦋 How can you help?
After getting the Final Audit Report, please notify us whether we can proceed to prepare the 
final draft or if you are going to fix the code again.

Step 8: Delivery

After getting the green light from the previous step, we send the report to our designers to generate a PDF version of the Audit Report, displaying all the necessary details of the auditing process.

Then, the report is uploaded to our official GitHub Repository and QuillAudits LeaderBoard, after which we share the link to the Audit Report and a Certificate of Compliance from QuillAudits.

Step 9: Post-Audit

After the Final Audit report, we take your project in front of the masses through:

Social Media Announcements

As per your requests, we will make an audit announcement from our social media handles to mark the completion of the audit of the Audit.

🚧 The completion of this step depends on our marketing team's calendar availability. 
Therefore, this step might take some time to complete.

Access to QuillAudits Ecosystem (Exchanges, IDO, KYC, Incubators, VC Partners)

AMA Sessions

  • Expert auditors will explain the nuances of the Audit Report.

  • Q&A and direct interaction with your audience to build trust in your project.

Niche Targeted PR Services

  • Articles & guest posts in renowned publications.

  • Cross-platform promotions to give more exposure to the project.

Organize Product Launches, Community Meetups, etc.

  • QuillAudits team will help you in your product launch in India.

  • Set up community meetups, product workshops, and web3 events for you.

  • QuillAudits expert team and partners will handle everything from content creation to marketing, event location, and event coordination.

We ensure your Hyperledger Fabric network is secure, reliable, and attack-resilient. We aim to help you identify and mitigate any security vulnerabilities or attack scenarios before attackers can exploit them.


What Can the Project Team Expect From Us?

  • Delivery of initial report within the agreed timeline (considering a margin of ±2 days due to unforeseen circumstances)

  • Reviewing the final version of the code before concluding the audit.

  • Following the complete audit process, i.e., Manual Review, Functional Testing, Automated Testing, and Reporting bug findings.

  • Publishing Audit Reports and making post-audit announcements based on agreed-upon terms.

What Do We Expect From the Project Team?

  • A working test suite (all tests written are executable) covering at least 90% of the project code and edge-case scenarios.

  • Structured code following reasonable naming conventions and consistent coding style.

  • Well-documented contracts/functions and updated whitepaper.

  • Fixing issues from the initial bug-finding report and providing detailed comments, stating what fixes have been implemented to the concerned issues.

  • Reviewing the final report so that QuillAudits can conclude the audit.


Your feedback helps us to improve and enhance. It helps us inculcate innovations in our services to improve and serve you better.

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