
What is a Rug Pull and How to Avoid It?

Updated at: August 14, 202414 Mins Read

Author: QuillAudits Team

Cryptocurrency can feel like the Wild West at times, with its promise of quick riches and unregulated frontier. Among the various hazards out there, rug pulls stand as one of the most notorious scams in the crypto world.

Let's dive into what rug pulls are, how they work, and, most importantly, how you can avoid falling victim to them.

What is a Crypto Rug Pull?

Imagine investing in a shiny new crypto project, only to find out that the developers have vanished with your money.

This, my friend, is a rug pull. Essentially, a rug pull is a type of exit scam where the project team raises funds by selling tokens and then disappears, leaving investors with worthless tokens.

These scams can be meticulously planned, often using social media influencers and hype-generating campaigns to lure as many investors as possible.

Sometimes, they even recruit trusted key opinion leaders to gain credibility. Promises of extremely high returns or exclusive digital goods, as seen with many NFT rug pulls, are common tactics used to ensnare victims.

crypto rug pull

Types of Rug Pulls

Rug pulls can be broadly categorized into hard and soft rug pulls:

Hard Rug Pulls

These are abrupt and brutal. Investors can lose all their funds almost instantly as the fraudsters pull the plug on the project.

Soft Rug Pulls

These occur over a more extended period. The project team gives a false sense of security while they slowly siphon off funds and shut down operations.

Yearly report scam revenue

Here are some common types of rug pulls

1. Liquidity Pulls: Exploiters remove liquidity from a token pool, causing the token’s value to plummet due to the lack of buyers and sellers.

2. Fake Projects: Scammers create seemingly legitimate projects, gather investments, and then disappear with the funds.

3. Pump and Dump: Fraudsters artificially inflate the price of a token through coordinated buying and then sell their holdings at the peak, crashing the value.

4. Team Exit: The project’s team members suddenly disappear or exit, leaving investors with no support and a collapsing token.

How to Identify & Avoid Rug Pulls

Avoiding rug pulls in the crypto and DeFi space requires vigilance and thorough research. Rug pulls are a type of scam where developers withdraw all funds from a liquidity pool, leaving investors with worthless tokens.

To protect yourself, follow these detailed steps:

1. Do Your Homework

Research the Team

  • Transparency: Investigate the identities and backgrounds of the project’s team members. Projects led by anonymous or pseudonymous developers carry higher risks. Look for teams with verifiable experience and a history in the industry.
  • Track Record: Check if the team has been involved in successful projects before. A solid track record in the crypto space can be a positive indicator.

Investigate the Technology

  • Code Quality: Review the project’s code if you have the technical expertise or consult with someone who does. Open-source projects are preferable as their code can be reviewed by the community.
  • Innovations: Assess whether the project offers genuine technological innovation or improvements over existing solutions.

Examine Goals and Vision

  • Feasibility: Analyze the project's goals and determine if they are realistic and achievable. Overambitious promises can be a red flag.
  • Clarity: Legitimate projects have clear, coherent goals and a well-defined path to achieving them.

Community Sentiment

  • Engagement :A strong and active community can indicate a legitimate project. Join social media channels, forums, and community groups to gauge sentiment and engagement.
  • Feedback: Pay attention to community feedback and how the project team responds to it. Genuine teams engage positively and transparently with their community.

2. Check for Security Audits

Third-Party Audits

  • Reputation of Auditors: Ensure the project has undergone third-party security audits by reputable firms. Audits from well-known security firms carry more weight.
  • Audit Reports: Review the audit reports for identified vulnerabilities and see if the project has addressed them. An unaddressed vulnerability is a significant risk factor.
  • Frequency: Regular audits are a good sign that a project is continually ensuring its security.

3. Engage with the Community

Active Participation

  • Social Media Channels: Join the project’s social media channels like Telegram, Discord, and Twitter. An active and engaged community is often a good sign.
  • Forums: Participate in discussions on forums such as Reddit and Bitcointalk to get a broader perspective.
  • Meetups and AMA Sessions: Attend virtual or physical meetups and AMA (Ask Me Anything) sessions to interact directly with the team and community members.

Sentiment Analysis

  • Positive Sentiment: Look for genuine enthusiasm and support from the community.
  • Critical Feedback: Pay attention to constructive criticism and how the team addresses concerns and issues raised by the community.

4. Be Wary of Unrealistic Returns

High-Yield Promises

  • Too Good to Be True: Be cautious of projects that promise extremely high yields or returns. These promises are often a lure to attract unsuspecting investors.
  • Sustainable Growth: Legitimate projects offer sustainable returns based on sound economic principles and real value creation.

Risk Assessment

  • Understand the Risks: High returns are usually associated with high risks. Ensure you fully understand the risk profile of the investment.
  • Diversification: Avoid putting all your funds into one project, no matter how promising it seems. Diversify your investments to mitigate risks.

5. Avoid FOMO

Research Before Investing

  • Take Your Time: Fear of missing out (FOMO) is a powerful emotion that scammers exploit. Don’t rush into investments based on hype or pressure.
  • Informed Decisions: Conduct thorough research and due diligence before making investment decisions.

Hype Analysis

  • Hype vs. Substance: Distinguish between genuine interest and hype. Projects with solid fundamentals will withstand scrutiny beyond the hype.
  • Marketing Tactics: Be aware of aggressive marketing tactics designed to create FOMO and make you invest impulsively.

6. Examine Liquidity

Locked Liquidity

  • Liquidity Locks: Check if the project has locked its liquidity. Locked liquidity reduces the risk of a rug pull as it prevents developers from withdrawing funds prematurely.
  • Duration: Look at the duration for which liquidity is locked. Longer lock periods are generally better.

Liquidity Providers

  • Diverse Providers: Assess if liquidity is provided by a diverse group of investors, not just the project team. Diverse liquidity providers can reduce the risk of manipulation.

7. Check Token Allocation

Token Distribution

  • Fair Distribution: Use blockchain explorers like Etherscan or BscScan to see how tokens are distributed. Fair and equitable distribution is a positive sign.
  • Concentration Risk: Be wary if a few wallets hold a significant portion of the tokens, as this indicates a higher risk of market manipulation or a rug pull.


  • Public Addresses: Legitimate projects usually disclose public addresses of major holders and project-related wallets.
  • Token Vesting: Check for token vesting schedules for team and advisor allocations to ensure they are incentivized for long-term success.

8. Review the Whitepaper and Roadmap

Whitepaper Quality

  • Clarity and Detail: Legitimate projects have detailed and transparent whitepapers outlining their technology, goals, and strategies.
  • Technical and Business Aspects: The whitepaper should cover both technical details and business plans. Vague or overly complex documents filled with buzzwords are red flags.

Roadmap Credibility

  • Achievable Milestones: The roadmap should have realistic and achievable milestones. Overly ambitious timelines or vague goals can be a sign of an unreliable project.
  • Progress Tracking: Check if the project has a history of meeting its roadmap milestones. Consistent progress and updates are positive indicators.

9. Verify Partnerships and Collaborations

Genuine Partnerships

  • Verification: Confirm the authenticity of claimed partnerships and collaborations. Reputable partners will often announce partnerships on their official channels.
  • Value Addition: Assess if the partnerships add real value to the project or are just for show.

Third-Party Endorsements

  • Due Diligence: Reputable third-party endorsements or collaborations can add credibility to a project. However, always conduct your own due diligence.

10. Monitor Governance and Transparency

Decentralized Governance

  • Community Involvement: Projects with decentralized governance models where the community has a say in decision-making are generally more trustworthy.
  • Voting Rights: Look for projects that give voting rights to token holders and ensure that governance decisions are transparent and democratic.

Regular Updates

  • Transparency Reports: Legitimate projects provide regular updates and transparency reports to keep the community informed.
  • Communication: Effective and open communication from the team about progress, challenges, and future plans is crucial.

By following these comprehensive steps, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to a rug pull. Always prioritize thorough research and informed decision-making in the rapidly evolving and often risky world of cryptocurrency investments.

3 Notable Rug Pulls in History

To drive home the importance of vigilance, let’s look at some of the biggest rug pulls in history:

1. OneCoin

In 2016, Ruja Ignatova proclaimed OneCoin as the future's biggest cryptocurrency. By that time, British investors had already put €30 million into the project.

Between 2014 and 2017, over €4 billion was invested globally in OneCoin, driven by promises of high returns. However, in 2017, Ignatova disappeared, leaving investors in disarray.

OneCoin sold memberships costing €140 to €118,000, which included educational materials and tokens to buy OneCoins. It operated as a pyramid scheme, encouraging investors to recruit others for profit.

The scam unraveled when blockchain expert Bjorn Bjercke was asked to create a blockchain for OneCoin, revealing it never had one. The coin's value was artificially inflated, and its educational content was plagiarized.

In early 2017, OneCoin's exchange shut down abruptly, trapping investors' money. Ignatova vanished, and her partner Karl Sebastian Greenwood was sentenced to 20 years in prison. Ignatova remains one of the FBI's most wanted fugitives.

2. Thodex

Thodex, a major cryptocurrency exchange in Turkey, collapsed in April 2021, stranding 400,000 users and resulting in its founder, Faruk Fatih Özer, fleeing with $2.6 billion in crypto assets.

Initially promising a secure trading platform with low fees, Thodex abruptly ceased operations, citing an evaluation of a partnership offer. Following this, Özer deactivated his social media accounts and fled to Albania.

Users were left unable to withdraw their funds, and the website falsely assured them that operations would resume soon. It became evident that Thodex was an exit scam, and Özer disappeared with users' money.

The Thodex scandal highlights the risks in the unregulated cryptocurrency market. It underscores the need for thorough due diligence by investors and stricter regulations to protect against such scams. The incident serves as a wake-up call.

3. Squid Game Token

On April 8, 2024, the SQUID Game Coin on the BNB chain was exploited due to a smart contract vulnerability, leading to a loss of approximately $87,000.

SQUID Game, a meme token, fell victim to an attack where the exploiter used a flash loan of 10,000 WBNB to obtain a large number of SQUID tokens. These tokens were then swapped multiple times using a flawed function in the SquidTokenSwap contract, ultimately allowing the attacker to drain the pool and retain 145.84 BNB after repaying the loan.

Squid Game Token

The SQUID Game team acknowledged the exploit, blacklisted the compromised contract, and sought help from the Binance Security Team to identify the attacker. This incident underscores the necessity for thorough security audits & improved smart contract design to mitigate the effects of such vulnerabilities.

Why Choose QuillCheck to Detect Rugpulls & Save Your Investments?

QuillCheck is an AI agent designed to perform thorough token due diligence, helping investors protect their Web3 investments. It can identify honeypots, analyze token permissions, and provide market insights to shield users from rug pulls and scams.

As of now it has detected over 201,000 honeypots. It scrutinizes smart contract permissions to spot red flags that may indicate potential rug pulls. With over 335,000 tokens scanned, QuillCheck offers comprehensive market insights, such as liquidity, trading volume, and price volatility, to help investors make informed decisions.

It provides 24/7 token monitoring to alert investors of suspicious activities or sudden changes.

By connecting the wallet linked to your Zealy account, users can search tokens on any chain and earn 1,500 QuillAudits Points, promoting secure investment practices.

Quillcheck- AI agent

Wrap Up

Navigating the crypto space requires a keen eye and a healthy dose of skepticism. By understanding the various types of rug pulls, learning how to identify early warning signs, and implementing best practices for investing, you can significantly reduce your risk of falling victim to these malicious schemes.

Always ensure you invest money you can afford to lose and remember that thorough research is your best defense against the ever-present threat of rug pulls.

Stay informed, stay cautious, and keep your crypto investments safe.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you protect against rug pulls?
Investors need to be cautious when investing in new or unknown projects, as these are often targets for rug pulls. Checking the credibility of the team behind the project, reviewing the tokenomics, and analyzing the project's roadmap can help mitigate the risk of falling victim to a rug pull.
How do rug pulls make money?
Are soft rug pulls legal?
What is a rug pull?
Is a rug pull the same as a pump and dump?

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